Welcome πŸ‘‹ im MartΓ­n Sosa

I build web and mobile apps.

Im a Full Stack developer based in Christchurch, New Zealand specializing in building exceptional websites and mobile applications, and everything in between.

About me
pokedex app mockup

Beautiful pokedex app make with React, using the pokeAPI, focus on mobile only, you can still use it on desktop.

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pokedex app mockup

This landing page is a standard, static web page designed for mobile devices, ensuring an optimal user experience. It is built using HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript to provide a clean and efficient user interface. The page is also optimized for high performance.

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pokedex app mockup

WebHub is a mobile-first, high-performance landing page created using Astro and Tailwind, delivering exceptional performance.

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pokedex app mockup

This is a responsive To do app, where you can switch between dark/light mode, add tasks to do, delete them etc, build with vanilla JavaScript and tailwindcss.

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  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Tailwindfile_type_tailwind
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • Git
  • Githubgithub [#142]
  • VScodefile_type_vscode
  • postman

Website under construction πŸ₯³

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